Our Progress

Wells Built

Million Meals Provided

Active Projects


As of June 2024, Paani has built over 20,000 water systems including deepwater wells, solar wells, and reverse osmosis plants. We work directly with our partners on the ground to determine the best water system needed in each rural community to optimize the impact of your donation. Our philosophy heavily relies on transparency and with that sentiment, we provide roughly 30 pictures of the well building process, a video of the finished water system, and a water quality report. For those who want to honor a loved one who passed or an inspiring figure/organization in their community, Paani can dedicate a clean water well to whomever a donor chooses by engraving a personalized plaque on the well. By doing so, we hope to leave a lasting legacy for our generous donors.

Disaster Relief

We are fundamentally a humanitarian organization driven by young individuals that aspire to use their privilege and resources to provide for the less fortunate. In that spirit, Paani has expanded and lent support to the Pakistani government throughout different crises. During the Kashmir earthquake, we donated winter clothes and thick blankets to the hundreds displaced. During the floods in Sindh, we drove multiple water tankers around Karachi to provide emergency water and cooked meals to thousands of families. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we donated over 2.7 million meals across the rural parts of Pakistan to alleviate the suffering of daily wage workers. Due to the scale of the pandemic, we assisted nonprofits in Iraqi refugee camps in providing hygiene kits to alleviate the spread of the coronavirus-19. We can only carry the legacy of humanitarianism with your help, so from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for trusting us with your donations.

Orphan Relief

Through the complex intersection of corruption and poverty, oftentimes the most disenfranchised become our children. There are institutions that already exist to provide schooling, but not many that aim to provide a normal childhood. Every Eid, we donate hundreds of new clothes and toys to children at orphanages in Pakistan. The purpose of new clothes during Eid is to provide a sense of dignity for these children, especially during the days that they hold so highly. Many of these children have been robbed of their childhood and our hope is that the toys -although nowhere near a permanent solution for the grief that they have faced- can be a means to keep some parts of their childhood alive.